Club Photo Competition Awarded Images
Fall 2024 Club Internal Competition Ribbon Winning Images
The images above are the club internal competition ribbon winning images for the Fall 2024 club competitions. They represent the top 20% of the images entered into these internal competitions. (Please click on the images to enlarge them.)
2023-24 PSA Awarded Images
The club also competes against other camera clubs around the world as a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA). The club has received 9 awards in these competitions during the 2023-24 competition season. These awarded images may be seen at this link.
Mission - Cape Fear Camera Club of Wilmington, NC
The mission of the Cape Fear Camera Club is to promote and advance the understanding, passion, and joy of photography by providing opportunities for education, skill development, picture taking, competition, critique, and fellowship.
"Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second"- Marc Riboud
General Meetings
In-person General club meetings are open to the public. (Zoom meetings are only available to current members.) We welcome all, especially those with an interest in photography. Guest speakers include professional photographers, artists, and other experts who cover a variety of subjects on the art and technique of photography. Held from September through June, General club meetings take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month unless otherwise posted. (See the Calendar of Events)
With the wane of the Covid crisis, the club resumed in-person meetings in September 2022. While the majority of the meetings (General/Competitions/Workshops) are now in-person meetings, some will be via Zoom. Please consult the club calendar to see which meetings will be in-person and which will be via Zoom.
Guests to this web site may contact us by sending an email to: CFCCPresident@gmail.com